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Story Representation Mechanism and Context 2011, Workshop to be held in Conjunction with ACM MM 2011


About SRMC

Relationship to ACM MM 2011

Digital stories and storytelling are closely coupled with multimedia technology. Stories are abundantly present in not only the multimedia we capture and explore but in the systems which encapsulate them. Storytelling is often implicit in so many aspects of multimedia. Stories can be discovered in the media we capture, can be formed from their exchange, discovered through interaction with multimedia systems or highlighted in interesting viewpoints on or summaries of digital archives.

The discussion of digital narrative bridges many of the key areas outlined for ACM Multimedia 2011. From a technical perspective multimedia story creation often encompasses areas such as multimodal integration, content analysis, retrieval, sharing and exchange, and authoring and production. It also requires consideration for the aesthetics and presentational form. This compliments ACM MM's tradition of exploring the interplay between art, creativity and code.


This ACM sponsored workshop was first held in New York on October 15, 2004. Seven full papers and seven poster papers were accepted. Morning and afternoon panel sessions provoked lively discussion and several engaging group storytelling exercises were very well received by the workshop participants.

The second workshop was held in Vancouver on October 31, 2008. The workshop was well attended and 9 full papers were accepted and presented during three sessions. Breakout discussions and group storytelling exercises were conducted during the afternoon. These provoked lively debate and stimulating dialogue around storytelling and its practice.

The 2011 workshop will be its third installment and it is anticipated to be another lively forum for exchange on digital storytelling around multimedia.